4.8 wetravel-capterra-reviews-1 based on 400+ Capterra reviews

Used by thousands of travel agencies, like yours
And trusted by industry-leading associations

Manage bookings efficiently

Keep customer information all in one place.

Customers can book 24/7, no need to call.

Consolidate multiple tools into one comprehensive system.

Consistent booking experience and customer journey.

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Digitize your payments

Price trips in more than 30 currencies.

Collect payments in multiple currencies, with fee-free, card-free local payment options for clients.

Offer payment plans and coupon codes.

Enable auto-billing for ease.

Easily process refunds when required.

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Simplify your business processes

Send and receive trip documentation with file-upload function.

Collect and save e-Signatures.

Integrate seamlessly with other apps via Zapier.

Process instant payments to suppliers.

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Boost your sales and commissions

Offer easy-to-book trips on your website.

Earn commission on travel insurance with referral links.

Increase visibility for commission tracking.

Capture more leads and convert more bookings.

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Which software and/or apps does WeTravel replace?

The most common software or tools that our customers are able to replace are Google Forms/Spreadsheets, Stripe or other invoicing software, and Square.

Which WeTravel features do travel advisors benefit the most from?

Travel agencies benefit greatly from WeTravel's booking management tools, such as customizable questionnaires, document uploads, and e-signatures, which consolidate multiple tools and apps. The customer portal centralizes information and automates communications for booked customers. Additionally, WeTravel's multi-currency payment options and local payment methods facilitate market growth and enhance the booking experience. These features streamline administrative tasks, improve customer service, and boost operational efficiency.

Is WeTravel a flat fee or paid per booking?

WeTravel offers both a Basic and a Pro plan, both with per-booking fees. The Basic plan has no flat monthly or annual fee and includes features like payment processing tools, booking tools, and business management tools. The Pro plan, costing $79 per year, provides additional features such as advanced payment options, enhanced customer support, and marketing tools. This dual approach allows tour operators to choose the option that best fits their business model.

How do group bookings work on WeTravel?

On WeTravel, group bookings allow organizers to manage bookings for multiple travelers under a single reservation. Organizers can set up custom payment plans, collect payments from group members, and track who has paid what amount. Group members can be added manually by the organizer, and all payments are handled through the WeTravel platform, simplifying the process.